School Details

School information

  • School: Wenlock School
  • Address: Carlos Peña Otaegui 10880, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana.
  • Founded: 1982
  • School URL:

Colegio Británico Wenlock School

We educate and shape individuals capable of facing the world with a solid foundation and high values.
The Institutional Educational Project (PEI) is a curricular program that presents the symbol that define the identity of the establishment and from them among others, containing the fundamental principles, values and specific competences, the profiles of the school community and the curricular emphasis that guide the educational action of the school.
Our interest is to contribute through the dissemination of this PEI to the clarity, improvement and development of the learning, values and attitudes that identify us in an environment of good relationships, as well as to achieve the organization that allows us to optimize our educational work and contribute to the positive encounter of each of our students’ culture and knowledge.